Gangmax Blog


Migarated from here at ‘2012-06-04 17:16:25’.

今天看到InfoQ上的文章:”Java 7 路线图更新:反响强烈“ 其中关于“闭包(closure)”的争论引起了俺的兴趣:

  1. Ricky Clarkson认为没有闭包Java将灭亡;
  2. Martin Kneissl也认为Java 7中没有闭包是个坏消息;
  3. Dustin Marx在关于Java 7中最期待的特性的帖子中对闭包有一些矛盾的看法;
  4. Osvaldo Doederlein对新特性感到兴奋,不过仍然很期望闭包。


A language implementation cannot easily support full closures if its run-time memory model allocates all local variables on a linear stack. In such languages, a function’s local variables are deallocated when the function returns. However, a closure requires that the free variables it references survive the enclosing function’s execution. Therefore those variables must be allocated so that they persist until no longer needed. This explains why typically languages that natively support closures also use garbage collection. The alternative is for the language to accept that certain use cases will lead to undefined behaviour, as in the proposal for lambda expressions in C++.

据我所知,Java语言对local variables的实现正是基于linear stack的(如果我错了,请大侠们指正)。也就是说,如果要基于现在的Java语言实现来加入closure功能是比较复杂且不优雅的,而且还有可能导致”undefined behaviour”。


