Gangmax Blog

Use pandoc to generate reveal.js slidesshows

From here.

reveal.js is an interesting Javascript tool which can generate cool slideshows from markdown text. Pandoc can make it even easier. Here is the steps.

  1. Download the latest reveal.js;
  2. Download the pandoc template file for reveal.js from here;
  3. Install pandoc;
  4. Unzip the reveal.js package file and copy the template file to the reveal.js directory;
  5. Create you markdown format slides file under the same directory;
  6. Run the following command to generate the slides:
# Assume your mardown file is named as ""
pandoc -t html5 --template=template-revealjs.html --standalone --section-divs --variable theme="default" --variable transition="concave" -o slides.html
# An exmaple of the markdown file is here:

Now open the “slides.html” to view your slides.
