“lein-exec” is a Leiningen plugin to execute Clojure scripts. Install it as a global plugin in “~/.lein/profiles.clj”:
{:user {:plugins [[lein-exec "0.3.3"]]}}
Then run “lein”, lein will fetch the artifacts and install it. Then an “exec” item can be used in the “lein” command:
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$ lein Leiningen is a tool for working with Clojure projects.
Several tasks are available: check Check syntax and warn on reflection. classpath Write the classpath of the current project to output-file. clean Remove all files from paths in project's clean-targets. compile Compile Clojure source into .class files. deploy Deploy jar and pom to remote repository. deps Show details about dependencies. do Higher-order task to perform other tasks in succession. exec Execute Clojure S-expresions from command-line or scripts. help Display a list of tasks or help for a given task or subtask. ...
Now you can use “lein exec” to execute either S-expressions or clj script:
When invoked without args it reads S-expressions from STDIN and evaluates them. When only option `-p` is specified, it evaluates STDIN in project context.
-e evaluates the following string as an S-expression -ep evaluates the following string as an S-expression in project (w/classpath) -p indicates the script should be evaluated in project (with classpath)
Optional args after script-path are bound to clojure.core/*command-line-args* Executable Clojure script files should have the following on the first line: #!/usr/bin/env lein exec