Refer here.
Yesql is a Clojure library for using SQL. This is a note of my steps to test it.
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| lein new test-yesql cd test-yesql
- Update the “project.clj” file by adding the following lines into the “dependencies” section:
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| [yesql "0.5.2"] [mysql/mysql-connector-java "5.1.38"]
- Download the dependencies:
- create a “resources/sql/users.sql” file with the content below:
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| SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :user_id
Clojure code in lein
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| user=> (require '[yesql.core :refer [defquery defqueries]]) nil user=> (def db-spec {:classname "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" #_=> :subprotocol "mysql" #_=> :subname "//" #_=> :user "root" #_=> :password "ChangeMe"}) #'user/db-spec user=> (defqueries "sql/users.sql" {:connection db-spec}) (#'user/users-by-id) user=> (users-by-id {:user_id 7}) ({:email "", :locale "en_GB", :password "64a57893f4a7af9728a783e8a6e6bef9", :default_testproject_id nil, :login "test01", :cookie_string "a9e700b2dab56ce15c3974374b5c350df96d24d5c9e674c6226da8a94d38884a", :script_key "7bd1406ea603ed938f5da76a38ab750f", :active true, :id 7, :role_id 8, :first "Test", :last "User"})