Gangmax Blog

Notes of Installing Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial

This is a summary notes when I install the Ubuntu Xenial environment.

Input method

From here.

In Xenial, the default keyboard input method system is “fcitx”. However I want to use “IBus”. In “Language Support” you can change it. After that, you need to install “ibus-pinyin” to use “pinyin” input method:

sudo apt-get install ibus-pinyin

A logout is needed to make it take effect.


Follow the instructions in the “Set the position and size of gnome-terminal” post.

Share folder

Follow the instructions in the “Notes of Installing Ubuntu 14.04.1 AMD64 on Virtualbox” post.

Disable overlay scrollbars

Follow the instructions in the “Notes of Installing Ubuntu 14.04.1 AMD64 on Virtualbox” post.


Follow the instructions in the “Notes of Installing Ubuntu 14.04.1 AMD64 on Virtualbox” post.

sudo apt-get install fonts-wqy-microhei fonts-wqy-zenhei ttf-wqy-microhei ttf-wqy-zenhei xfonts-wqy

Install packages

sudo apt-get install htop dkms ibus-pinyin alacarte
sudo apt-get install vim git subversion unrar meld shutter imagemagick goldendict zim


Follow the instructions in the “Zsh Again” post.


Follow the instructions in the “Notes of Installing Ubuntu 14.04.1 AMD64 on Virtualbox” post.


Install “leiningen” with the instructions from here.



When building the Octopress posts on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial, I meet the “Could not open library ‘’” issue as described in the “Fixed issues after installing Ubuntu 14.04” post, but the Python lib files are in the right place. The roor cause is that: the Python version “2.7.10” is not installed. Install it by using “pyenv install 2.7.10” then it works.
