Gangmax Blog

Make Ubuntu look more like Mac

From here.

The following instructions are tested on my Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial environment.

  1. Download macOS Sierra GTK Theme from Github. In my case, I download “OS.X.El.Capitan.v0.9.tar.gz“. Extract the tar file and copy the extracted directory into your “/.themes” directory. If “/.themes” doesn’t exist, create it first.

  2. Download La Capitaine Icon Set on Github. In my case, I download “la-capitaine-icon-theme-0.4.0.tar.gz“. Extract the tar file and copy the extracted directory into your “/.icons” directory. If “/.icons” doesn’t exist, create it first.

  3. Clone the “capitaine-cursors” project from here. Copy the cursors by running the “cp -pr bin/xcursor ~/.icons/capitaine-cursors” command.

  4. Open “Unity Tweak Tool”, change theme in “Appearance -> Theme”, icon in “Appearance -> Icons”, and cursor in “Appearance -> Cursors”.

  5. From here you can find some more themes, such as this “papirus-icon-theme“ one. Install it by running the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:papirus/papirus
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install papirus-icon-theme
  1. For dock, I use “Docky“ rather than “Plank“.

