“piexifjs“ is a node.js npm library which can be used to read and write Exif data in image files.
Create a npm project
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npm init test-project cd test-project npm install piexifjs node
Sample code in “node” console
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const piexif = require('piexifjs'); const fs = require("fs"); var jpeg = fs.readFileSync('/Users/auser/Downloads/IMG_1302.jpg'); var data = jpeg.toString("binary"); var exifObj = piexif.load(data);
for (var ifd in exifObj) { if (ifd == "thumbnail") { continue; } console.log("-" + ifd); for (var tag in exifObj[ifd]) { console.log(" " + piexif.TAGS[ifd][tag]["name"] + ":" + exifObj[ifd][tag]); } }