Gangmax Blog

VSCode Keyboard Shortcuts

From here and here.


  1. Show the “keyboard shortcuts reference” document: “⌘K ⌘R”.

  2. Show all commands: “⇧⌘P”.

  3. Go to file: “⌘P”.

  4. Start debugging: “F5”.

  5. Show integrated terminal: “⌃`“.

  6. Create new terminal: “⌃⇧`“.


  1. Select text from the current cursor: “⇧↑ ⇧↓ ⇧← ⇧→”.

  2. Batch replace(multi-cursor editing): select a string instance and press “⇧⌘L”, which will add a selection at each occurrence of the current selected text. Now you can replace all instances by simply typing.

  3. Multiline selection: “⌥⌘↑” and “⌥⌘↓”.

  4. Move a line upper/lower: “⌥↑” and “⌥↓”.

  5. Column (box) selection: “⌘ + mouse selection”, or “⇧⌘ + mouse selection”.

  1. Search in file: “⌘F”.

  2. Search globally: “⇧⌘F”.


  1. Format Document: “⇧⌥F”.

  2. Format Selection “⌘K + ⌘F”
