From here .
Go to “Editor:Rulers(search “ruler” in preference) -> Edit in settings.json” and open the “~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json” file.
You can set the editor ruler’s “count, width and color” as below:
settings.json 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 { "debug.node.autoAttach" : "on" , "editor.fontSize" : 15 , "editor.rulers" : [ {"column" : 80 , "color" : "#dddddd" }, {"column" : 120 , "color" : "#bbbbbb" } ], "workbench.colorCustomizations" : { "editorRuler.foreground" : "#47a868" }, "workbench.editorAssociations" : { "*.ipynb" : "jupyter-notebook" }, "workbench.colorTheme" : "Eva Light" , "workbench.iconTheme" : "material-icon-theme" , "editor.suggestSelection" : "first" , "vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection" : "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue" , "files.exclude" : { "**/.classpath" : true , "**/.project" : true , "**/.settings" : true , "**/.factorypath" : true }, "workbench.startupEditor" : "none" }
And you can see that, some other configurations are also possible to be updated here if you want.