Gangmax Blog

Create Ubuntu VM in UTM on Mac

The content below records how to create an Ubuntu VM in UTM on Mac. From “here“.

  1. First download the image file of Ubuntu Server for ARM from here.

  2. Following the instructions to create a VM instance in UTM and install Ubuntu Server on it with the image file downloaded in the first step.

  3. By default, Ubuntu Server only has CLI. Install GUI with the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop
sudo reboot
  1. Following the instructions here to enable clipboard and directory sharing. For example, install the following packages in the Ubuntu VM.
sudo apt install spice-vdagent qemu-guest-agent spice-webdavd

Then you need to set UTM to enable the “clipboard/directory” sharing. Go to “UTM -> select the target UTM -> Edit Selected VM -> Sharing”, check the “Enable Clipboard Sharing” checkbox, and select the “SPICE WebDAV” item for the “Directory Share Mode” option.
