Gangmax Blog

ElasticSearch, Miniconda and Jupyter

This is a guide how to use ElasticSearch with Python and Jupyter.

To make the Jupyter works on my environment, I want to create a “miniconda” virtual environment, which caused error with “pyenv”. Here is the instructions how to make it work.

Dental Services: Basic or Major?

Today when I was claiming a dental expense, I was asked that whether the dental service is “basic” or “major”. I totally had no idea, so I googled it and get the following result from here.

What is Merkle DAG

From here.

A Merkle DAG is a Merkle directed acyclic graph. That is a data structure similar to a Merkle tree but not so strict: such DAG does not need to be balanced and its non-leaf nodes are allowed to contain data.

VirtualBox 6.0

VirtualBox 6.0 was released on Dec 18th, 2018. This is a major version upgrade. The biggest improvement for me is the HiDPI support. It makes the Ubuntu VM in my MacBook host be able to leverage the high resolution display.