Gangmax Blog

Clear Historical Commits of Octopress Master Branch

One problem when using Octopress(version “2.0”) is that: each time when doing deployment, a full copy of the website is added into the “master” branch as a new commit. If you have been updating the website hundreds of times like me, the “master” branch will have many commits and use much storage. As the content in the “master” branch is unnecessary to be version controlled, I always want to clear the “master” branch of “Octopress” to reduce the size of this repository.

Today I did some research and here is the solution(from here).

Groovy Grape

From here and here.

Groovy Grape is Groovy’s dependency manager. A big difference between Grape and other language dependency managers like pip, gem and npm is that, it uses language element(annoation, method call) to describe the dependencies inside a Groovy file, rather than a file out of the program itself like “requirements.txt”, “Gemfile” and “package.json”.