Gangmax Blog

Change Git Remote URL

The requirement is to update the origin SSH URL to HTTPS URL of a given git repo. Please read the following commands to get the details. From here.


From here and here.

“snap” is a Linux package system which aims to “package any app for every Linux desktop, server, cloud or device, and deliver updates directly”.

Add Mind Map in Octopress Post

This post describes how to add “mind map” support in Octopress. The “mind map” content is in “markdown” format as part of an Octopress post, and rendered by the “KityMinder“ JavaScript library.

Lambda Expression in Java 8

编程中使用Lambda表达式是典型的函数式编程风格。我的理解是,Java 8增加Lambda表达式的主要目的是简化编程,提高代码的可读性。可以想象:没有Lambda表达式的Java语言里,除了基本类型之外,一切参数都是class,都必须要有对应的class/interface的定义,哪怕只是临时使用的一次性的代码。这种情况会造成大量的boilerplate code,对程序员不够友好。而且单单从可读性来说,Lambda表达式既简洁又容易理解,使得代码的可读性大大增加。