It seems every imported classes in the Java project in IntelliJ IDEA cannot be recognized and marked as red. Why?
Lambda Expression in Java 8
编程中使用Lambda表达式是典型的函数式编程风格。我的理解是,Java 8增加Lambda表达式的主要目的是简化编程,提高代码的可读性。可以想象:没有Lambda表达式的Java语言里,除了基本类型之外,一切参数都是class,都必须要有对应的class/interface的定义,哪怕只是临时使用的一次性的代码。这种情况会造成大量的boilerplate code,对程序员不够友好。而且单单从可读性来说,Lambda表达式既简洁又容易理解,使得代码的可读性大大增加。
Spring NoSuchMethodError AutoProxyUtils.determineTargetClass Error
The error happens after introducing the “” dependency when running the web application under Tomcat. The solution comes from “here“.
Setup A Hadoop Cluster
This post records the steps how to setup a Hadoop cluster (version 2.6.1). Refer here.
Install Elixir on Ubuntu Xenial
HyperLedger Fabric Notes
This is my notes about my development experience based on HyperLedger Fabric v1.0 during the last 3 months: May 2017 to Aug 2017.
MyBatis 'Invalid bound statement' Issue Caused by Spring Loading Sequence
This was a really weird issue and took me some time to fix.