I found something weird when I was using “apt-get”: for some packages, usually the linux kernel packages, they won’t be upgraded when I use “apt-get upgrade” command, but they do been upgraded when I run the upgrade from the “Update Manager” program. Why?
Creative Commons: 知识共享协议
本文参考并引用了维基百科的”Creative Commons“条目和”知识共享“条目。
Eclipse Error on Ubuntu
A Dip in OSGi
Start SSH Service on Ubuntu
Mount Remote SSH Server as Local Directory via 'sshfs'
这个想法的灵感来自这篇文章。该文提到了在Mac OS下使用FUSE for OS X和Macfusion实现了“将远程服务器的文件系统映射成本地文件系统的一部分(通过SSH)”。
This idea was inspired by this article, which mentioned that the author used FUSE for OS X and Macfusion to map the remote server as a local directory via SSH.
An Interesting Bash Hung Issue
This is an issue that confused me several days.
SparkleShare: An Open Source Alternative of Dropbox
一句话描述SparkleShare: 它是一种功能类似于Dropbox的开源产品(GPLv3),支持多平台(Linux, Mac, Windows)。更有意思的是:它支持你自己创建的主机服务器,以及使用Github仓库作为你的主机服务器(这个太爽了!)
What is “SparkleShare“? In a nutshell, it’s an alternative of “Dropbox“ which is open-sourced(GPLv3), multi-platformed(Linux, Mac, Windows) and supporting both your own host and your github repository as the host(This is really COOL!).