Gangmax Blog


我上周末在京东买了个显示器,昨天送货到家。安装好后显示效果不错,但是有个问题:在我的Ubuntu 10.04的操作系统下,当使用1920*1080的分辨率时,显示的位置偏移严重,我在显示器的调整菜单里也没有找到如何调整的方法,于是搜索了一下解决方法。

find, tar, samba & sshd

Today I get a mission: login a remote solaris server and get some log files to my local environment to do some analysis. A special point is: I have to use my Windows VirtualBox instance of my Ubuntu 10.04 desktop, to access the server because I have to use a VPN client to access the server, and the VPN client only works in Windows.