Here are some useful tips when using “htop”.
Update Git commit Author and Email
Field injection is not recommended
In IntelliJ IDEA I get this warning message regarding the “@Autowired” field: “Field injection is not recommended”. Why?
How to use SSH public key authentication
Using SSH public key anthentication makes the SSH login process securer and easier, that you don’t need to remember the password.
From here.
CentOS Firewall: Open Port & Set IP Range
Centos reports "No package epel-release available"
SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
How to know the production date of a Mac
Spring Boot Unit Test Hang Issue
When I’m writting an Spring Boot command line application and I find this issue. Here is how I solve it.
How to know the time used by curl?
The question is straightforward. The solution is from here.