Previously I used “unetbootin“ to do such thing. However today I find it doesn’t work since my USB drive doesn’t show up in the “USB Drive” dropdown list. So I want to find a Linux command which can do the same thing. I find this and here is how to do it.
The Error When Installing Python 2.7.15 under MacOS 10.14
A node.js Express Example
What is this in JavaScript?
Node.js Exif Library: piexifjs
“piexifjs“ is a node.js npm library which can be used to read and write Exif data in image files.
ElasticSearch Chinese analyzer: IK
The IK Analysis plugin integrates Lucene IK analyzer ( into elasticsearch, support customized dictionary.
ElasticSearch, Miniconda and Jupyter
This is a guide how to use ElasticSearch with Python and Jupyter.
To make the Jupyter works on my environment, I want to create a “miniconda” virtual environment, which caused error with “pyenv”. Here is the instructions how to make it work.
Dental Services: Basic or Major?
Today when I was claiming a dental expense, I was asked that whether the dental service is “basic” or “major”. I totally had no idea, so I googled it and get the following result from here.
Pouring Homebrew
Check RPM Content on Mac
On Mac I want to check the content of a RPM file, how to do it?