Gangmax Blog

Jigsaw: The Java Standard Module System

Jigsaw is the Java standard module system released with JDK 9. The whole JDK 9 is reorganized with Jigsaw. That means after JDK 9, you will not find the huge “rt.jar” file in the JDK directory, instead a “$JDK_PATH/jmods” directory full of “*.jmob” files is introduced and all the files in it are the module files.

VirtualBox Error 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)'

Yesterday I got the “NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)” error when starting a VM instance in VirtualBox. Reinstalling didn’t work and the error was still there. The real problem is the security permission. Go to “System Preferences -> Security & Privacy”, confirm the permission needed by VirtualBox, then the problem is solved.