In this code snippet, I use “nokogiri” to get/parse HTML content and convert the blog content into octopress-style markdown files.
Ruby Code: Call ImageMagick CLI Utility to Process Image Files
I wrote this Ruby code snippet to process some image files. This is a good example how easy it is in Ruby to call command line utility.
Add Syntax highlight for Markdown in VIM
Here is the method how to add syntac highlight for markdown in VIM, from here.
Check Files Exist or Not in Ant
Use Micro Cloud Foundry
Here’s some notes about using the micro cloud foundry. Refer here.
A Bite of Cloud Foundry
Refer here.
Use SWTBot
使用SWTBot,可以通过写JUnit测试代码为Eclipse plug-in开发做自动化测试。参考了这篇文章。
Add 'about' Page in Octopress
It needs 2 steps to add the “About” page in Octopress:
Ruby学习笔记第三篇: character encodings